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Tithing Teachings

Author Jon Zens: His Testimony and the 58 One Another's in the Bible and Why We Are Not Doing Them!
Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

I'm not Deconstructing my faith, that would be walking away from my faith, no not doing that. But over the years I have learned not everything taught to me by the leaders in the church was true. So this topic is deconstructing of some of the things I've learned over the years and walking away from those. Such as: 1. Prosperity Gospel 2. Tithing. Your blessing is tied to your man or woman of God, which leads to: 3. Church covering and how we define that and the misuse of Psalm 133 4. the way we do church a. Buildings b. Preaching, celebrity pastors c. Monologue vs. Dialogue d. How we view pain and suffering e. The way we worship, emotionalism vs he Holy Spirit but also, When do we minister to one another. It's vertical but also horizontal. 5. Avoiding extremes in denominationalism 6. Deconstructing Denominations a. Avoiding doctrinal extremes: Difference between major and minor issues 7.Distancing Myself from the Reformers and looking at the Reformation in a new light a. Solo Scriptura and the different definitions of that 8. Western Christianity and white Christianity 9. Americanism and American Christianity is not Christianity 10. Identity in Christ not Institutions or man made Structures or organizations 11. Future Stuff: defining Original sin, Moral Satisfaction theory etc. #churchdeconstruction #church #churchculture Here's a great article about this: Here is the video I did comparing and contrasting the Reformed "camps" with prosperity gospel "camps" how they differ in theology but are a lot alike in how they operate on things. I think it helps understand the Steve Lawson situation better, thanks.

Teaching on the Anointing

Author Jon Zens: His Testimony and the 58 One Another's in the Bible and Why We Are Not Doing Them!
Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

I'm not Deconstructing my faith, that would be walking away from my faith, no not doing that. But over the years I have learned not everything taught to me by the leaders in the church was true. So this topic is deconstructing of some of the things I've learned over the years and walking away from those. Such as: 1. Prosperity Gospel 2. Tithing. Your blessing is tied to your man or woman of God, which leads to: 3. Church covering and how we define that and the misuse of Psalm 133 4. the way we do church a. Buildings b. Preaching, celebrity pastors c. Monologue vs. Dialogue d. How we view pain and suffering e. The way we worship, emotionalism vs he Holy Spirit but also, When do we minister to one another. It's vertical but also horizontal. 5. Avoiding extremes in denominationalism 6. Deconstructing Denominations a. Avoiding doctrinal extremes: Difference between major and minor issues 7.Distancing Myself from the Reformers and looking at the Reformation in a new light a. Solo Scriptura and the different definitions of that 8. Western Christianity and white Christianity 9. Americanism and American Christianity is not Christianity 10. Identity in Christ not Institutions or man made Structures or organizations 11. Future Stuff: defining Original sin, Moral Satisfaction theory etc. #churchdeconstruction #church #churchculture Here's a great article about this: Here is the video I did comparing and contrasting the Reformed "camps" with prosperity gospel "camps" how they differ in theology but are a lot alike in how they operate on things. I think it helps understand the Steve Lawson situation better, thanks.
Anchor 1
Lies of Prosperity

False Teachers and False Teaching

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

I'm not Deconstructing my faith, that would be walking away from my faith, no not doing that. But over the years I have learned not everything taught to me by the leaders in the church was true. So this topic is deconstructing of some of the things I've learned over the years and walking away from those. Such as: 1. Prosperity Gospel 2. Tithing. Your blessing is tied to your man or woman of God, which leads to: 3. Church covering and how we define that and the misuse of Psalm 133 4. the way we do church a. Buildings b. Preaching, celebrity pastors c. Monologue vs. Dialogue d. How we view pain and suffering e. The way we worship, emotionalism vs he Holy Spirit but also, When do we minister to one another. It's vertical but also horizontal. 5. Avoiding extremes in denominationalism 6. Deconstructing Denominations a. Avoiding doctrinal extremes: Difference between major and minor issues 7.Distancing Myself from the Reformers and looking at the Reformation in a new light a. Solo Scriptura and the different definitions of that 8. Western Christianity and white Christianity 9. Americanism and American Christianity is not Christianity 10. Identity in Christ not Institutions or man made Structures or organizations 11. Future Stuff: defining Original sin, Moral Satisfaction theory etc. #churchdeconstruction #church #churchculture Here's a great article about this: Here is the video I did comparing and contrasting the Reformed "camps" with prosperity gospel "camps" how they differ in theology but are a lot alike in how they operate on things. I think it helps understand the Steve Lawson situation better, thanks.

Videos on Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Voddie Baucham’s Book Review Fault Lines: The Good and the Bad

Voddie Baucham’s Book Review Fault Lines: The Good and the Bad

Voddie Baucham’s book review Fault Lines: on critical race theory and social justice Voddie Baucham video on our concept of race today is made up and there is really only one color. We are all the same color, just different shades of the same color. Voddie Baucham why he left, what some may call, the black church Voddie Baucham teaching on his book More stuff on the Bacon’s Rebellion Articles on Transgenderism and the harm that one can suffer Here is the Matt Chandler video he did, and I agree with him in the sense have you ever asked: if you don’t like BLM and the answer they have towards racism, then what is the churches answer? As it ever occurred to you the BLM organization is allowed to exist because we, as the bride of Christ, are not doing our job? That is what I think Pastor Matt Chandler is saying here, and if so, I agree! And if so, I think Christians owe Matt Chandler an apology! Again, I do not promote, nor do I agree with everything Dr. Umar Johnson says or believes, I disagree with most of it. However, for the sake of homosexuality, transgenderism, and Abortion, I think he makes some key points that are worthy of discussing as far as how they affect the African American communities.

Videos on Salvation:

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

Why I Love Jesus But Have Deconstructed Many Things I've Learned in the Church. What Are They?

I'm not Deconstructing my faith, that would be walking away from my faith, no not doing that. But over the years I have learned not everything taught to me by the leaders in the church was true. So this topic is deconstructing of some of the things I've learned over the years and walking away from those. Such as: 1. Prosperity Gospel 2. Tithing. Your blessing is tied to your man or woman of God, which leads to: 3. Church covering and how we define that and the misuse of Psalm 133 4. the way we do church a. Buildings b. Preaching, celebrity pastors c. Monologue vs. Dialogue d. How we view pain and suffering e. The way we worship, emotionalism vs he Holy Spirit but also, When do we minister to one another. It's vertical but also horizontal. 5. Avoiding extremes in denominationalism 6. Deconstructing Denominations a. Avoiding doctrinal extremes: Difference between major and minor issues 7.Distancing Myself from the Reformers and looking at the Reformation in a new light a. Solo Scriptura and the different definitions of that 8. Western Christianity and white Christianity 9. Americanism and American Christianity is not Christianity 10. Identity in Christ not Institutions or man made Structures or organizations 11. Future Stuff: defining Original sin, Moral Satisfaction theory etc. #churchdeconstruction #church #churchculture Here's a great article about this: Here is the video I did comparing and contrasting the Reformed "camps" with prosperity gospel "camps" how they differ in theology but are a lot alike in how they operate on things. I think it helps understand the Steve Lawson situation better, thanks.
God Divides the Sheep From the Goats NOT Sheep From the Sheep! #tribalism #denominationalism

God Divides the Sheep From the Goats NOT Sheep From the Sheep! #tribalism #denominationalism

God adds to the Church, He does not separate or divide from it! Over the years, we have done that! God separates the sheep from the goats, i.e. God's people from those who are not! God separates the sheep from the goats, not the sheep from other sheep! #churchculture #christianculture #christiandoctrine #tribalism #denominations #denominationalism #sheep #goats #sheepandgoats #wheatandtares #wheatandchaff #3rdrace #theway #follwersoftheway Here are two articles on the 3rd Race:,in%20this%20manner%20as%20well. Here are the scriptures: Matthew 10:34-39 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— 36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c] 37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Luke 12:51-53 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” Acts 2:47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Misused & Misquoted Scriptures

Misused and Misquoted Scriptures

Author Jon Zens: His Testimony and the 58 One Another's in the Bible and Why We Are Not Doing Them!

A Call to Unity/Racial Reconciliation

Topics in the News

Topics in the News
Romans 5: Did Paul teach universal salvation? And what is up with original sin?

Romans 5: Did Paul teach universal salvation? And what is up with original sin?

#originalsin #universalsalvation #bishopcarltonpearson #righteousnessofgod #wearedeliveredfromgodswrath Larry Deason's book the Righteousness of God, in case you want to follow along with us: Article on how Paul was NOT teaching universal salvation: Great video on why Paul was not a universalist salvation person: Great Article on why Catholics believe Mary was born without sin, along with Jesus, and John the Baptist: Great Article on Augustine and how he came up with the idea of original sin: Augustine's misreading of Romans 5:12 because of a bad Latin translation: Voddie Baucham's take on original sin which led to his infamous sermon quote: Children are vipers in diapers: I'm also including another clip by Voddie Baucham. He says he won't answer the question of why God allows bad things to happen and he said , "the question we need to ask is how can an all powerful, all loving God, since He knew what I said, did, and thought, not kill me in my sleep last night". My concern is he is not asking the question correctly, because His question applies to non-believers. Believers have BEEN delivered from the wrath of God (Roams 5) so his question does not apply to us, so he needs to ask his own question correctly to avoid confusion, link here:
Book of Romans
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