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Kingdom of God suffers violence, is thta a license for Christians to be violent? Nope!


Kingdom of God suffers Violence and the Violent take it by Force

Matthew 11:12

12 lAnd from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Question: "What does it mean that the kingdom of God suffers violence?" Answer: Jesus’ statement that the kingdom of God suffers violence is found in the context of His commendation of John the Baptist: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12, NKJV).

Other translations put it like this: “The kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it” (NIV). (Emphasis by me). “Violent people have been trying to take over the kingdom of heaven by force” (CEV). “The kingdom of the heavens is taken by violence, and [the] violent seize on it” (Darby). This is indeed a puzzling verse at first. How can God’s kingdom suffer, and what do violent people have to do with it? A basic rule of hermeneutics is that context is king. As already mentioned, Jesus is speaking to the crowds about John the Baptist’s ministry. Immediately before His statement that the kingdom of God suffers violence, Jesus honors John as the greatest prophet (Matthew 11:11). Immediately following His statement (verses 13–14), Jesus signifies that John was the capstone of the Old Testament revelation and the one who fulfilled the prophecy of Malachi 4:5. Jesus then speaks the familiar words “whoever has ears, let them hear” (verse 15)—words that suggest He has been speaking figuratively. Another rule of hermeneutics is to compare Scripture with Scripture. One thing that had characterized John the Baptist’s ministry was the large number of people who came to hear him: “And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River” (Mark 1:4–5). This crowd was as loyal as it was diverse. Those who responded to John’s message of the coming Messiah included people who some thought would never repent, including tax collectors and prostitutes and Roman soldiers (Matthew 21:31–32; Luke 3:14). This crowd believed John to be a true prophet of God, and they were adamant about it (Matthew 14:5; Mark 11:32). The pressing multitudes that had followed John continued to follow Jesus’ ministry (Luke 5:15; 12:1). This is the key to understanding Jesus’ statement that the kingdom of God suffers violence. Pointing to the huge crowds that followed John and that were now following Him, Jesus likens them to an invading army surrounding a city to capture it. “From the days of John the Baptist until now,” there has been an extraordinary rush of people pressing in from all sides, eager for a blessing. The “kingdom of heaven suffers violence,” figuratively speaking, in that people were so thronging to hear the gospel that they resembled an army trying to besiege a city. And the “violent take it by force”; the people entering the kingdom were not violent literally, but their eagerness to see the coming of the Messiah was so overwhelming that it was as if they were attacking a city and beating down the doors to enter. (Emphasis added by me). Jesus’ statement that “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence” is a graphic picture of the enthusiasm and excitement generated by John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ teaching. (Emphasis added by me). People were hungry for the truth and would not be kept away. For centuries, God’s prophets had predicted the Messiah’s coming, and now that the Messiah was here, nothing could hold back the flood of people pressing into the kingdom. We see some of this fervor in Luke 5:18–19, when some men literally tore through a roof to get to Jesus, and in John 6:15, when a crowd “intended to come and make him king by force.” We should take note of the response of the believing people in Jesus’ day and share their passion. The gift of eternal life is beyond compare. Knowing Christ has come should create earnestness in us and a striving to be closer to Him. There is no place for apathy or ambivalence in the follower of Jesus Christ.[1]

So, what can we glean from this article and the context of this verse:

1. I hope you can see by now, in no way is this telling us that we, as believers, are supposed to be violent. The context here is referring to the violent people, and THEY take it by force. In no way is this verse giving us permission to be violent. I have seen over the years Christians, who bomb abortion clinics in the name of this verse. Saints, that is not what this verse is referring to. It is talking about the violent people, not giving US a license to be violent.

2. Secondly, in context, it may be referring to people wanting the messiah so badly it is like them taking a city violently to get in, meaning, getting into the Kingdom of heaven. Which we should. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”. So, we should want to the Kingdom of God that badly. But that’s the point: Wanting the Kingdom that badly, but not being violent ourselves. I just don’t see where this verse is referring to violent Christians. Be blessed.

Closing Prayer:

Lord God, this is a very serious and sober text, indeed! I pray You forgive us of using it incorrectly! This verse has caused so much hurt, pain, and devastation for centuries within our world today and believers have used it to justify many atrocities in the world and in the past. Forgive us Lord for our ignorance and may we walk in Your love so people will know that we being to You, In Jesus’ name, Amen!


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