Just like Jesus is so are we in this world. What does that mean?
1 John 4: 16-18
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
OK, many things to discuss here. So, let’s get right into it. “Chapter 4 warns Christians not to accept every claim they hear. Instead, believers are to compare what they hear to the basic truths of the gospel. John then returns to the theme of love, explaining how believer ought to live out the presence of God's love in their lives. In addition, living according to God's love takes away our fear of judgment. In no uncertain terms, those who claim to love God, but hate others, are liars.
First John 4:11–19 is the backbone of John's letter. The primary way Christians are to be recognized is by love. This is not merely what we feel, but what we do for others. True, godly love is the most powerful evidence of being ''born again'' as a child of God. This love comes from God, who loved us before we loved Him. When we live in obedience to God, according to love, we can be confident in our relationship with Him, and have no need to fear His judgment.
Verses 17–19 offer insight regarding the source and impact of love. First, a growing love for God leads to confident anticipation of the future day of judgment. Believers who grow and mature in their faith need not fear how God will evaluate them in the future. They have been forgiven by God and are obeying His commands.
The second phrase is more difficult to understand: "because as he is so also are we in this world." The "he" in this case refers to Jesus. Just as Jesus is in this world, so the believer is. What does this mean? By loving others, we become like Jesus. We need not fear (1 John 4:18), but enjoy God's love and live it out in serving others, just like Jesus did. Jesus lived among those He served, taught them, prayed for them, served them, and ultimately gave His life for others, leaving a powerful example for our own lives”.
So, I included this verse as one of the misused and misquoted scriptures because, many people in the church over the years have preached that, just like Jesus is in the World so are we to mean: we are little Jesus’ in the earth. We can do whatever Jesus did on the earth and we are little gods on the earth, if you will. This has given birth to, or if not further perpetuated the “name it and claim it” “blab it and grab it” “speak it into existence” nonsense we have been hearing for years. Ok, in recapping this is flawed because that is not the context of the verse at all in 1 John 4:17, and here’s why, but I hope you can see it already:
1. So, as you can see, God is love and perfect love cast out fear, yes. But what is the context of that love? What is the context of the perfect love casting out fear? Casting it out in the context of what? Well, punishment during the time of judgement! See, this is saying, we don’t have to fret the judgement of God because as believers, we are centered in God because of Christ, so because of Christ and His love for us, we don’t have to fear the coming judgment. Unbelievers, oh yes, they need to fear, but not us as believers.
2. Secondly, because of that, when it reads, just like Jesus is in the world so are we, it is referring to a couple of things. Just like God the Father is head over heels in Love with Jesus, so He is with us BECAUSE of Jesus and what Jesus has done for us. So, we don’t need to dread because we are in Christ. But also, just like Jesus loved, taught, served, etc. we are to be those same examples in the earth and do what Jesus did, in that context.
3. This verse was never saying we are gods and we can do all the same things Christ did as if we are little gods/Christ’s on the earth. That is border line blasphemy territory, that personally, I would stay away from. But also, again, that is not the context of this verse. The context of this verse is God’s love towards us at it pertains to the future judgment of God. Not our power on the earth. I hope you can see the context for yourself on this as well. Saints, please get that. Blessings.
4. Another reason this verse is referring to future judgement and not we are like Jesus on the earth is Jesus was different from us in at least three areas, maybe more, but at least three, which are:
a. Jesus was God in the flesh, we are NOT and will never be. Yes, we have God in us, the Holy Spirit, but being the container of God, if you will, and being God are not the same thing. Jesus was God in the flesh, we are not and will never be! Now, I know, some are preaching, Jesus emptied Himself of His divinity here on the earth. I say, “no way! If Jesus emptied Himself of His divinity on the earth then He would be just a man and no longer God! So, He didn’t empty Himself of His divinity, He just chose not to use it”. For instance, when Jesus was preparing for the cross, Jesus said, “I have the power to call down 12 legions of angels to deliver me” but He chose not to, (Matthew 26:53). The reason people say that, is to say, we can do everything Jesus did as we are led of the Holy Spirit. However, He was different from us like I’m showing here, and secondly, that way of preaching this text is a man centered Gospel where we are the main character. When we preach the Gospel, Jesus should always be the main character, not us! So, I always try to preach Jesus as the center of the message, always!
b. Jesus was also different because He was with God in the beginning. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. We cannot say that. Remember when God rebukes Job and asked him, “where were you when I created everything” (Job 38). So, Jesus was there when God created the foundations of the earth, we were not. When we say Jesus was and is co-eternal with God, that is what we mean about Jesus, He was always there with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit since the beginning, so when we read in the Book of Genesis God said “let there be”, and it was, Saints Jesus was there! That is what believing in the Trinity means! That is what co-eternal means! For people who believe in the Trinity, which we here at VOA do, then Jesus is co-eternal with God, meaning, Jesus was always there! We can never say that.
c. Lastly, we were born with a sin nature and born sinners from Adam, (Romans 5). Jesus was not. He was born of the Holy Spirit so His daddy, if you will, was God Himself, not from sinful man like we were. We were born sinners, separated from God, that is why we needed to be saved. Jesus never was. He was born perfect and lived perfect. We can never say that. Ever! So, just like Jesus was, so are we in this world, is referring to future judgment and we have nothing to fear because as believers, we are in Christ. And that perfect love of Christ, cast off all fear. So, we don’t need to fear the judgment, for God is love! So, that is the context here. Blessings!
Closing Prayer:
Lord Jesus, there is a lot to process here. But thank you, as believers, since we are in You, we have nothing to fear in the future judgment because we are in You. Since You are love, we are loved by the Father. Thank You Jesus for saving me to make me a part of Your Kingdom and I am now a child of God. However, forgive me for getting into blasphemous territory for thinking I can do all the stuff Jesus did, especially, if those things aren’t even apart of Your will. Forgive me Lord for misusing this text, In Jesus’ name, Amen!